Wednesday, June 15, 2011

NFL Lockout Is Hurting The Fans

We all know that the recent NFL Lockout has been a hot topic for many sports fans as of late. We're all worried that we're not going to have a complete Football season this year, or maybe even no season at all. Some are taking comfort in recent gossip that the Lockout may be nearing an end, however. It's even been said that the discussion have gotten as far as 85% completion on their new deal. Whether or not this is true is beside the point; as of right now, the Lockout is still going on, and we are stuck wondering if we're going to be able to watch the Super Bowl this season.

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has said that this lockout isn't just meant to benefit the players; that it will benefit the fans as well. But I am not so sure about that. I mean, if they really had the best interests of the fans in mind, wouldn't they do everything they could to get this Lockout over with right now, rather than arguing over a few percentage points?

The players in the NFL change, but the true fans are always there. This is why I believe that the fans have more at stake in these negotiations than the players do. The players may be risking their sources of income, but the true fans are being forced to sit by the sidelines and watch as teams that they have devoted decades of dedication to may simply decide not to play anymore. Does that really seem fair? I don't think so. How are we supposed to believe these guys when they say that they play for the love of the game, and for the fans, after all of this?

The NFL is risking a lot more than money here. If they don't make the right call and end this lockout soon, they may find that some of their fans no longer wish to watch players that would stop doing what they supposedly love to do simply because the paycheck isn't big enough.

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