Monday, June 20, 2011

McIlroy To Be The Next Tiger Woods...Or Not?

The US Open was astounded just yesterday by the up and comer, Rory McIlroy, who wreaked a path of destruction through the golf world, taking the Open by storm. News and media have been quick to compare him to all of the greats - including the legendary Tiger Woods, but many others aren't being so cut and dry. 

Of course, we can't know for sure what would have happened had Woods played, but it seems almost fate-like for Tiger to have stepped aside here, making room for the birth of a new Golf hero. Many are saying that he was only able to shine so brightly because the supernova that is Tiger Woods was not there to burn back, but these things were also said about the man himself when he first started his career, as well.

Rory McIlroy may be young, but the greats all have to start somewhere, and I am of the opinion that he will continue to dominate the golf world in the years to come. Some of the best judgement calls are made on the fly, and I want it put on the record here and now that I said that McIlroy will go on to beat Tiger's records, one at a time, until he has shown us all that it is possible to topple giants.

This relative kid showed us some great skill in these past four days. We all witnessed what he can do, and we here at Showtime Cards are ready to embrace the beginning of a new era. McIlroy will have the career of Tiger Woods to use as a map for his own - he has the ability to be just as great, without all of the distractions that can derail a legend. A smart man learns from his own mistakes; a wise man learns from the mistakes of others. We're putting our money on McIlroy being the latter.

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